
City heat islands are areas that are significantly warmer than their surroundings. They impact the health of people, animals and plants and cause rising costs.

City planning today has several mitigation strategies like green planning (trees, green roofs, fronts, etc.), measures to change local wind patterns, alternative building materials, water dispensers and many others. Sensors and data collection can help check the effectiveness of the measures.

The Swiss cantons' coat of arms

Swiss cities ( and other affected settlement areas are to receive collaboratively usable tools & information for the implementation of measures. The aim is to make cities greener & cooler, improve the quality of life, raise awareness of the issue and mitigate urban heat islands.

Logo Züri begrünt/Zurich greened«Züri begrünt»
Zurich greened

A first tool for smartphones (prototype) has been created under the URL, which shows examples and impacts of measures. Other cities may follow, e.g.,,, etc.



Eliane Suter

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Zurich, August 17, 2021